Books by Casey Fisher



Blog Post

Transgender and Non-Binary Rights

Sports, public bathrooms, affirming healthcare and the right to live and to be accepted.

November 11, 2024

I'm not worried about transgender girls/women playing girls'/women's sports or what bathroom they use. I'm worried about transgender/non-binary people succumbing to suicide and suicidal despair at rates far higher than the rest of the population.

Gender dysphoria is real. For those who experience it, gender transitioning-related healthcare and affirming gender expression is a life-saving necessity, as is a tolerant and accommodating environment.

Transgender women playing women's sports is a non-issue, designed to promote hate against society's most vulnerable people. Transgender women are required to be taking testosterone blockers and estrogen when competing, aligning their t levels, muscle density and bone density with that of their fellow female athletes.

And anyway, it's such a rare occurrence. When Utah passed its law against transgender girls playing girls' sports, it found there was exactly ONE transgender girl competing out of more than 28,000 athletes.

Also, extensive studies have shown that transgender-inclusive restroom policies DO NOT increase risk of restroom-related crimes or sexual violence. The truth is, straight men are overwhelmingly the primary perpetrators of sexual violence and non-sexual violence against women and children.

I don't believe there is a single, verified case of a straight, cisgender man pretending to be a woman for the purpose of entering a women's bathroom.

But there *are* documented cases of straight, cisgender men raping women in department store dressing rooms, bursting unannounced into the dressing rooms of young beauty pageant contestants while they are undressed, and even grabbing women by the genitalia against their will while assaulting them with unwanted, forceful kissing.

But we don't pass laws specifically targeting menaces such as this, we just vote for them to be president.

About Author


Casey Fisher has been a successful American entrepreneur for more than twenty years. He is now focusing his efforts into writing, having completed two epic novels in the last few years. Casey is also a husband, a father of five and a devoted pet daddy.